Embodia for Patients
Your clinic might use Embodia to allow you to schedule consults online. If your clinic has online booking enabled, they will need to provide you with their unique URL to their online booking page. If you do not have this URL, please reach out to your clinic to enquire.
Visit the clinic's unique URL. If you do not have an account, click on Find an appointment:
If you have an account and are signed in to your account, you click on Find an appointment in the top right corner:
This will redirect you to the Services page which lists all the services that the clinic offers. Alternatively, you can click on the "Find an appointment by practitioner" to select a practitioner first, before choosing a service.
Click on a service to select it. This will redirect you to a page that lists all the treatment options available for the selected service, along with their details (description, price, duration, etc...):
Click on a treatment to select it. This will redirect you to a page that lists all the practitioners that offer this treatment:
Click on a practitioner to select them. Next, a calendar with the available dates will be displayed. Click on a date in the calendar on the left side to display all the available time slots for the day.
If you find a time slot that suits your schedule, click on it and follow the options to book the appointment.
If you can't find a time slot that suits your schedule, you can either:
- Join the waitlist (this might be disabled by the clinic, so the option might be missing)
- Submit an online booking request (this might be disabled by the clinic, so the option might be missing)